One Leaves

Logros One Leaves

Listado de logros de One Leaves. Desbloquéalos todos.



Off to a Good Start

Completed the First Interaction


Turned Around?

Solved the Looping Hallway


Up in Smoke

Found the Smokers Favorite Spot


What have You Learned?

Solved the Library Puzzle


Light the Way

Found the Hidden Flashlight


You'll be Back...

Found the Smokers Lounge


Hurts to Breathe

Discovered the Tarred Lungs


Don't Let This Be You

Found the Ex-Smoker


Open Up

Opened All Four Drawers in the Morgue


Down the Rabbit Hole

Made it to the Sewer Level


Not so Pearly Whites

Found the Diseased Mouth


One More Out of the Pack

Traversed the Maze 20 Times


One of Three

Traversed the Maze and was Trapped


You're the One

Traversed the Maze and Maze It Out